Cloud solutions (industry)

Real-time Data Logging


Industry – Cloud solutions

Scope of application

Industrial LED applications


Software engineering

Customization option

All solutions for real-time data logging are custom made

Peak and average current

The MaNima Pollux can measure and log the peak and average current through its PWM-outputs. This data is shown in the MaNima Cloud, and it is possible to generate graphs and tables from this.

Real-time board and LED fixture temperature 

Board and LED fixture temperatures are logged in real-time. This data is shown in the MaNima Cloud and it is possible to generate graphs and tables from this.

Handler logs 

Action handlers can be triggered when certain parameter values are exceeded. Every time an action handler is triggered, it is logged in the MaNima Cloud.

LDR measurements

Light fluctuations are measured with an LDR. These measurements are registered in the MaNima Cloud.


Use astronomic timetables to set action handlers on specific times or periodic events.